Jun 30Liked by Elyse Chambers

you did the thing!! huge congratulations! can’t wait to follow along on the many adventures to come. 🤩

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Thank you mj!!! I so, so appreciate it 😘

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Jun 28Liked by Elyse Chambers

You're an inspiration!

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Thank you, Allison!!! It's so much fun.

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Congratulations! (I am right there with you with the messy. Our movers delivered the furniture last, (so it took 4 days of Jenga to get things in the right place before I could really start unpacking) & we still don’t have stairs or a kitchen.)

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Oh Gillian, I am laugh crying right along with you!! Good luck with the messy bits and fingers crossed for stairs (and a kitchen) soon!

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Congratulations on your open! Those green walls are stunning! 🤩

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Thank you so much, Lauren!

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So terrific that you’ve thrown open the shop door! And yes to the messy bits. We all know those nights, the child, the cat, the difficult return to sleep. Thanks for this trove of delight!

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Here's to the good and the messy!! Both! And! 😘

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Jun 27Liked by Elyse Chambers


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Thank you, thank you!! Can't wait for your California sojourn.

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Jun 28Liked by Elyse Chambers

Btw I have those “ecru” jeans and love them….so I’m a fancy person now!

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So fancy!! I bet they look amazing. xx

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